BREAKING NEWS! Durga Murdered by Stratocat

Posted on January 28, 2012


PAHOA HAWAI’I – Friday 8:00 AM Russian Black kitty Durga disappeared after an altercation with feral cat Stratocat during a early morning dispute before morning feed.  Past altercations have occurred since the introduction of sweet baby Durga to the new farmstead.  Tension has been climbing since Stratocat the resident protector and the new adorable gentle kitty’s flaunt graced the loving atmosphere.

Stratocat has been ratting and defending the tree-house from other cats and some claim that she is a stray that may have been beaten in a past home .  Neighbors have heard this same cat begging at other homes, seen tiny feral cats almost identical to Statocat in the vicinity, acts skittish after feed, very jealous, and violent.

When the kitty screaming happened , farm overseer, Young Cho, just waking up in the room above the altercation found nothing in sight during a check to see the results.  Durga was the kitty every cat lover wanted to steal.  Durga was straightforward cute luscious and coy.  That morning she was left outside to protect the dwelling from rats.  She is very loyal and most always in the sight of daddy Young at all times possible.

Durga came into Young’s protection since a earlier than weeks old.  Her mother fatally killed by a car didn’t have a chance to teach basics to her offspring and chances of their survival were slim.  Young and Durga developed a strong bond.  She would sleep comfortably with Young sharing body heat and loving affection.

“I heard something crying as though it was dying across the shed but thought nothing of it,” Young said to himself shortly after, “I hear dying pig escaping hunters all the time.”  When Young went downstairs to feed Durga and Stratocat all he found was Stratocat looking out towards the crying, that slowly subsided over time.  “Where’s Durga?” the first thing to come in mind as Stratocat routinely begs Young.  Previously Young fed Stratocat a complete bowl of food to find in dismay continual cry of starvation.  After calling for Durga and not finding her usual immediate loving attention and cuddling loyalty Young started to get upset.

Young walked calling for Durga in the Puna rain in hopes of finding an innocent cat withdrawn from the violence.  He started to think about how cats eat other cats in extreme conditions and become even more worried.  Ideas of the jungle setting and of animal survival skills popped in mind.  The walk started looking more like a search party or a Criminal Minds investigation.  This Stratocat has been known to defend other cats from the tree-house feed and may have killed Durga in greed.

Young “I just want to see my precious Durga ok.”  Heard as an utterance during a long sob.

Stratocat is hidden and Durga is missing and we can hope that the worst is not happening.

Posted in: MORE, U.S.